a crippling fear of numbers.
Imagine what it would be like to sit in class doing integration sums and wondering what the hell you’re ever going to use it for, mixed with a feeling of wanting to get up and go to the bathroom and staying there till the end of time. Being afraid of numbers and Maths is just not cool; it has pretty much given most of us anxiety attacks that we still cannot forget.
Following are the things people who are afraid of Maths will understand.
1. You remember your childhood math classes vividly, even to this day
The day everyone around you was crying over a 47/50, you were breathing a sigh of relief with a 28/50.
2. You were generally good at all other subjects except for this damned one
And it always brought your overall marks down.
3. The night before your maths paper was downright dreadful
Sweating, no sleep, and thinking that you’re going to forget all the formulae you spent hours learning to memorize.
4. You were probably the only one with a confused expression when you saw your Math question paper
Even if there was a small chance you knew something, you’d blank out immediately. DAMN IT, MATH.
5. However, when you got out of the exam hall, no matter how badly you did, you were glad that it was over
You can worry later. The problem is temporarily solved.
6. You would do anything to exchange a math class for anything, literally anything else
You wouldn’t mind cleaning the school compound, just as long as someone attends your math class for you.
7. Numbers of any kind scared you, and they still do
8. And that’s why when you’re with friends, you always ask them to split the bill
You’re even terrible at calculating how much change you’re supposed to get back. You just take back whatever they give you.
9. Your teachers would often tell your parents, “she/he is really smart. They just need to work hard in Maths.”
You were more than used to hearing that during every PTA meeting.
10. Your parents would often yell at you for not doing well in the subject
But…it’s not my fault.
11. And since your parents knew your ‘weakness’, they immediately enrolled you for Math tuition
Chalo, let’s fall asleep in another class.
12. Because of this deadly subject, you had already decided that you would choose any other subject except for this after class 10th
And for most lucky ones, you managed to do it.
13. You couldn’t possibly understand how people could do well on this subject
It was beyond you.
14. The moment you actually understood how to solve a sum, you were beyond happy
15. But all in all, wherever you are right now, you’re more than glad that the nightmares of being in a Math class are all behind you
And you wish your future kids don’t have the same problem with Math as you did. *fingers crossed*
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