Sunday 25 January 2015

12 Fast Food Staff At McDonald's, KFC, Subway Confess The Things They Have Done To Customers' Food
Many people share their secrets, inner thoughts and confessions anonymously on Whisper. Among these confessions are the ones by 12 fast food workers who have done some rather
amusing and vile things to their customers.
Moral of the story: Be nice to whoever is serving you… and don’t be white when you go to White Castle. You’ll see why.
I work at McDonald’s, and I make over $50 a night from short changing peopleI work at McDonald’s and I always fantasize about McBanging some of my coworkers
KFCI work at KFC and my boss has told me to cook food off the floor.
Tim Hortons
When I notice a hot guy coming into the drive thru at Tim Hortons, I give them free things.
I work at Starbucks; when people are dicks I make their drinks extra hot. Burn the shit out of that top lip.
Dairy Queen
I work at Dairy Queen and sometimes I wear my hat around my house on my days off.
Burger King
I work at Burger King and I was so thirsty that I took a sip of a customer’s drink before handing it out the window.
SubwayI work at Subway. If you are rude at the beginning of the line i give you the shitty hard piece of bread.
Taco Bell
I’ve been fired from Taco Bell 4 separate times but I keep just showing up for work and they forget.So I work at Taco Bell and act like it’s disgusting but I still eat it everyday… And now we have breakfast? Oh my
Wendy’sWhen I used to work at Wendy’s, if a customer was really rude to me, I’d put a pickle slice at the bottom of their frosty.
White Castle
My secret I spit in all the white people’s food at the White Castle I work at.
Share this story with all your friends as a reminder that we should try to be nice to others whenever we can… especially the ones that are handling our food!

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