Saturday 18 April 2015

Some Japanese Desserts Look Like They Are Made From Frosted Glass And Magic
 "Life is brief. Don't forget to stop and smell the Sakura"

Every spring, the Japanese practice the custom of hanami, picnicking under the blooming sakura trees, to appreciate the beautiful but ephemeral blooms which symbolize the beauty and briefness of life.  Pickled with plum vinegar and salt, sakura no shio zuke flowers are used to make snacks such as mochi, jellies and buns. Sakurayu is pickled sakura tea, drunk during weddings because sakura, being a spring flower, represents a new beginning.

Almost like a painting: Sakura flowers set in a clear jelly (made with the pink soaking liquid of the sakura) with a base of mousse.Japanese-Desserts-Sakura-Jelly-1How do the flowers taste? If you love salted dried plums (huamei in Chinese), you'll love the flavor of sakura no shio zuke but if you've not eaten umeboshi (pickled plums) or the Chinese suanmei or huamei, you might find the flavor kind of unusual, especially in a jelly. The pickled flowers are extremely salty.Japanese-Desserts-Sakura-Jelly-10Japanese-Desserts-Sakura-Jelly-2The jelly above was made of gelatine. Gelatine sets slowly and is less viscous even when it's not hot so the sakura unfurled fully while konyakku becomes thick very quickly and the flower can't fully unfurl. Japanese-Desserts-Sakura-Jelly-5The sakura is and thanks to the inventiveness of the Japanese, the flavor and beauty of the sakura can still be appreciated long after their brief season has gone.Japanese-Desserts-Sakura-Jelly-6Japanese-Desserts-Sakura-Jelly-7A single sakura blossoms in clear jelly on a base of white chocolate mousse. Japanese-Desserts-Sakura-Jelly-8Japanese-Desserts-Sakura-Jelly-9Japanese-Desserts-Sakura-Jelly-11Japanese-Desserts-Sakura-Jelly-12Japanese-Desserts-Sakura-Jelly-13Japanese-Desserts-Sakura-Jelly-14Sakura Jelly. The packaging is so cute!Japanese-Desserts-Sakura-Jelly-15Sakura kanten jelly dessert!Japanese-Desserts-Sakura-Jelly-16What is kanten? It is Japanese agar dessert.

In recipes, you can swap kanten powder with our local agar powder but the texture will be different.

Video Recipe: How to make Wagashi Sakura Jelly?


Video Source: DecoCookie

Enjoy your Sakura Jelly!

Useful Links: HungerHunger LittleMissBento ObubuTea Tumblr

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